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UISP Fiber - Triple-Play Services Using VLANs

This article will give the necessary information to implement VLANs on UFiber to provide Triple-Play services such as Internet, IPTV, and Voice.

Introduction and Network Diagram

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The UFiber platform fully supports VLANs, which allows for providing Triple Play services to customers using GPON. This guide will give the steps to implement VLANs using UFiber and EdgeRouter products. The topology will consist of a router such as an ER-8-XG with VLANs configured, UF-OLT or UF-OLT-4, and UF-NanoUF-LOCO or UF-WIFI along with the accessories and proper setup discussed in other articles.

NOTE:See our Accessories article for more information on the official UFiber (GPON) accessories.


In the example, VLAN100 will be pushed to all three Nano G devices. VLAN200 will be pushed to UF-Nano-2 and UF-Nano-3, whereas VLAN300 will only be pushed to UF-Nano-3.

Configuring the ONUs using Bulk Editing

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Before the VLANs can be added to the ONUs using the Bulk Editing feature, they must first be added to the OLT in the VLANs tab. By default, the SFP+ uplink port is configured with VLAN1 set as the native VLAN. The native VLAN can optionally be changed or omitted completely. In this example, VLAN100 is set as Untagged (U), whereas VLAN200 and VLAN300 are set as Tagged (T). VLAN1 will be Excluded (E). Follow the steps below to modify the VLAN settings on the UFiber OLT:

GUI: Access the UF-OLT Web UI.

1. Navigate to the VLANs  vlans.png  tab to add the necessary VLANs.


Type: Single
VLAN ID: 100
Name: Internet


Type: Single
VLAN ID: 200
Name: IPTV


Type: Single
VLAN ID: 300
Name: Voice

2. Determine which VLANs should be Tagged (T), Untagged (U) or Excluded (E) on the SFP+ uplink port(s).

3. Under the SFP+ port(s),change the default VLAN1 from Untagged (U) to Excluded (E).

4. Under the SFP+ port(s), change VLAN100 from Tagged (T) to Untagged (U).

5. Under the SFP+ port(s), make sure VLAN200 and VLAN300 are set to Tagged (T).

NOTE:The added VLANs will be Tagged (T) on the SFP+ uplink port(s) by default.

6. Apply the changes by clicking on the SAVE button.

After the VLANs have been added, follow the steps below to modify the ONU settings using the OLT Web UI:

GUI: Access the UF-OLT Web UI.

1. Navigate to the ONU list  onu-list.png  tab and select one or more ONUs that should be configured for Internet (VLAN100) only. 

2. Select the CONFIGURE button to modify the ONU settings.

Admin password: <secret>
Mode: Bridge
Port 1 > Native VLAN: 100
Port 1 > Tagged VLANs: -
NOTE: The VLANs set here must be present in the VLANs vlans.png  tab.

3. Apply the changes by clicking on the SAVE button.

4. Select one or more ONUs that should be configured for Internet and IPTV (VLAN100 and VLAN200). 

5. Select the CONFIGURE button to modify the ONU settings.

Admin password: <secret>
Mode: Bridge
Port 1 > Native VLAN: 100
Port 1 > Tagged VLANs: 200

6. Apply the changes by clicking on the SAVE button.

7. Select one or more ONUs that should be configured for Internet and IPTV and Voice (VLAN100, VLAN200 and VLAN300). 

8. Select the CONFIGURE button to modify the ONU settings.

Admin password: <secret>
Mode: Bridge
Port 1 > Native VLAN: 100
Port 1 > Tagged VLANs: 200,300

9. Apply the changes by clicking on the SAVE button.

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