EdgeSwitch - OUI-Based Auto-VoIP
Readers will learn how to configure OUI-Based Auto-VoIP (Voice over IP) on the EdgeSwitch (ES).
This article does not apply to the EdgeSwitch X (ES-X) and EdgeSwitch XP (ES-XP) models.
Auto-VoIP and VLAN Configuration
When using the OUI-Based Auto-VoIP feature, IP phones can be identified based on their Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) and placed in a separate VLAN. The feature will automatically place matching devices in the voice VLAN and will associate a CoS (Class of Service) value. Any device that does match the OUI (such as a workstation plugged into the phone) will be placed in the default (untagged) VLAN configured on the port.
Using the Auto-VoIP feature, the traffic from the IP phone will be placed in VLAN60. The client behind the phone is placed in VLAN10.
Follow the steps below to configure the Auto-VoIP feature:
1. Enter privileged mode.
2. Create the VLANs.
vlan database
vlan 10,60
3. Enter configuration mode.
4. Assign the ports to the VLANs created above.
interface 0/4
description phone
vlan pvid 10
vlan participation exclude 1
vlan participation include 10,60
interface 0/8
description edgerouter
vlan participation exclude 1
vlan participation include 10,60
vlan tagging 10,60
5. Define the Auto-VoIP VLAN.
auto-voip vlan 60
6. Add the OUI value of the IP phone to the list (AB:CD:EF in this example).
auto-voip oui AB:CD:EF oui-desc ubnt
7. Enable OUI-based Auto-VoIP on the required ports and disable the VLAN ingress filter:
interface 0/4
no vlan ingressfilter
auto-voip oui-based
8. Change the associated CoS value (7 is the default).
auto-voip oui-based priority 0-7
9. Enable LLDP on the port(s).
interface 0/4
lldp transmit
lldp receive
lldp transmit-tlv
lldp transmit-mgmt
lldp notification
lldp med confignotification
lldp med transmit-tlv capabilities network-policy
10. Exit to operational mode and save the changes to the startup configuration.
write memory
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