EdgeRouter - Built-in Dynamic DNS
Applicable to the latest EdgeOS firmware on all EdgeRouter models. Please see the Related Articles below for more information.
Device used in this article:
Configuring the Built-in Dynamic DNS Service
The following Dynamic DNS services are available for use in EdgeOS:
Requires server to be hard-coded. Dnspark
Requires serial number to be set as the hostname. Zoneedit
See the Custom Dynamic DNS article for instructions on how to configure a custom Dynamic DNS service.
CLI: Access the EdgeRouter Command Line Interface.
1. Enter configuration mode.
2. Add the Dynamic DNS service and the login credentials.
set service dns dynamic interface eth0 service <dyndnsservice> host-name <host>
set service dns dynamic interface eth0 service <dyndnsservice> login <username>
set service dns dynamic interface eth0 service <dyndnsservice> password <password>
3. Configure the location of the Dynamic DNS server.
set service dns dynamic interface eth0 service <dyndnsservice> server <server>
NOTE: This step is required when using afraid.org.
4. Commit the changes and save the configuration.
commit ; save ; exit
You can verify the status and force an update of the Dynamic DNS service using the commands below:
show dns dynamic status
update dns dynamic interface <interface-name>
By default, EdgeOS will only update Dynamic DNS when the IP address actually changes.