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EdgeRouter - Ubiquiti Device Discovery


Readers will learn how to use and modify the Ubiquiti Device Discovery feature.

Applicable to the latest EdgeOS firmware on all EdgeRouter models. Please see the Related Articles below for more information.
Device used in this article:

Table of Contents

  1. The Ubiquiti Device Discovery Feature
  2. Disabling Device Discovery
  3. Related Articles

The Ubiquiti Device Discovery Feature

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The discovery feature allows Ubiquiti devices to be discovered by the Ubiquiti Device Discovery tool. The feature also allows the EdgeRouter to discover other nearby Ubiquiti devices on the network. This feature consists of two services which are both enabled by default:

  • ubnt-discover Controls whether the EdgeRouter is able to discover nearby Ubiquiti devices.
  • ubnt-discover-server Controls whether the EdgeRouter is discoverable by other nearby devices.

Disabling Device Discovery

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The EdgeRouter will not be discoverable by WAN clients if firewall policies from the Basic Setup wizard are applied.

Device Discovery relies on UDP/TCP port 10001. Probes to these ports can be blocked by adding firewall policies or by disabling the feature entirely.

NOTE:TCP support for the Ubiquiti Device Discovery feature was added in the v1.10.7 EdgeOS firmware release.

The default WAN firewall policies added by the Basic Setup wizard will block all probes to UDP/TCP port 10001 and will prevent the EdgeRouter from being discoverable on the WAN. See our How to Create a WAN Firewall Rule article for more information on the default WAN firewall policies.

Follow the steps below to disable the ubnt-discover-server and ubnt-discover services.

CLI: Access the Command Line Interface.You can do this using the CLI button in the GUI or by using a program such as PuTTY.

To disable the ubnt-discover service globally or on a single interface, add the following commands:

set service ubnt-discover disable 
set service ubnt-discover interface <interface-name> disable commit ; save

To globally disable the ubnt-discover-server service, add the following commands:

set service ubnt-discover-server disable
commit ; save 

Find other nearby devices and verify the status of the service with the following commands:

show ubnt discover [detail]
show ubnt discover-server

Related Articles

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EdgeRouter - How to Create a WAN Firewall Rule

EdgeRouter - Beginners Guide to EdgeRouter

EdgeRouter - Configuration and Operational Mode

Intro to Networking - How to Establish a Connection Using SSH

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