EdgeRouter - Uploading Files using SCP
Readers will learn how to transfer files to the EdgeRouter using the Secure Copy Protocol (SCP).
Applicable to the latest EdgeOS firmware on all EdgeRouter models. Please see the Related Articles below for more information.
Device used in this article:
Transferring Files with SCP
Depending on your choice of operating system, SCP is either accessible via a package installation or a third-party client.
Windows Client
In this example, WinSCP is used for the file transfers.
1. Download and install the program.
2. Add a new site and enter in the remote IP address and user credentials.
Protocol: SCP
Hostname: <address>
Port: 22
Username: <username>
Password: <password>
2. Navigate to the intended directories and transfer the files.
macOS Client
1. Open the macOS Terminal.
2. Copy the file to the EdgeRouter using SCP.
scp ~/Desktop/<filename> username@<ip-address>:/home/ubnt/<filename>
NOTE: In this example, a file on the Desktopis transferred to the home directory of the ubnt user account.
Related Articles
EdgeRouter - How to Upgrade the EdgeOS Firmware
Intro to Networking - How to Establish a Connection Using SSH