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EdgeRouter - Creating a Bridged Interface


Readers will learn how to create a Bridged interface on an EdgeRouter.

Applicable to the latest EdgeOS firmware on all EdgeRouter models. Please see the Related Articles below for more information.
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Creating a Bridged Interface

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Bridged interface are used to place multiple physical ports on the same LAN, similar to how a switch functions.

Generally, it is not recommended to bridge ports as it will greatly reduce the performance.  If multiple ports need to be placed on the same LAN, it is advisable to use a router with a built-in switch-chip such as the ER-X, ER-X-SFP, ER-10XEP-R6ER-12 or ER-12P.

ATTENTION: Packets passed through a bridged interface are not eligible for offloading on some EdgeRouter models. See theHardware Offloading article for more information.

1. Enter configuration mode.


2. Delete the existing configuration from the interfaces that are to be added to the bridge group.

delete interfaces ethernet eth1
delete interfaces ethernet eth2
delete interfaces ethernet eth3
set interfaces ethernet eth1
set interfaces ethernet eth2
set interfaces ethernet eth3

3. Commit the changes.


4. Create a bridge interface (br0) and assign it an IP address.

set interfaces bridge br0 address

5. Add the physical interfaces to the bridge group.

set interfaces ethernet eth1 bridge-group bridge br0
set interfaces ethernet eth2 bridge-group bridge br0
set interfaces ethernet eth3 bridge-group bridge br0

6. Commit the changes and save the configuration.

commit ; save

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EdgeRouter - Hardware Offloading

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