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UISP - CRM: Prepaid Service and Service Reactivation


This guide explains how to achieve prepaid services using sample scenarios administrators may face. Please note that the smallest time unit clients can prepay is one month.

  • This article focuses on the CRM module that is included in the UISP Application.
  • Applicable to the latest UISP release version.

Table of contents

  1. How to: Client Prepays Service a Month(s) in Advance
  2. How to: Admin Creates Time Periods
  3. How to: Use Service Reactivation
  4. Related Articles

How to: Client Prepays Service a Month(s) in Advance

Scenario: A client wants to prepay service for one or more months him/herself in the Client zone.

Scenario Description:

The client wants to prepay service for three months ahead. When the client receives the invoice with the amount for one month’s service, he/she will have the option to pay a higher amount (in this case, three months' worth of service). The one month invoice will be marked as paid and the rest of the payment will be saved as the client’s credit. When a new invoice is created the next month, it will automatically use the client’s credit.

Configuration Needed in Settings:

The administrator must make the following changes in the client’s Service detail settings:

  • Select "Forward" for "Invoicing Type" under System Settings globally for all clients, or individually in the client’s service details.
  • Use (client’s) credit automatically enabled.


How to: Admin Creates Time Periods

Scenario: Admin sets a period of a specific number of months.

Scenario Description:

The administrator wants the client to always pay for the service three months ahead. When assigning the service to the client, the admin sets the billing period to three months. If the “active to” date is not set, the service will continue to run and the invoice will be created every three months. Additionally, when the suspension feature is enabled and set, if the client does not pay an invoice he will be suspended according to the administrator’s settings .


Configuration Needed in Settings: 

  • Select "Forward" for "Invoicing Type" under System Settings globally for all clients, or individually in the client’s service details.
  • Admin must enable the Billing periods in System > Service plan and products > edit the service plan.
  • Enabled billing periods in System > Service Plans & Products > Service Plan Details.

How to: Use Service Reactivation

Scenario Description:

Useful mainly for special cases, such as seasonal homes or vacation houses. The client can pay the service every month ahead of time, or can prepay several months ahead (as described above); but by defining the “Active to” date, the service is "paused" and the client receives no more invoices.

Once the client returns and wishes to resume service, he/she can simply reactivate the service in the Walled garden (suspension) page, where the client is automatically redirected to when trying to navigate the internet with a browser. The client can then choose one or more months to be paid, and then proceeds to complete the credit card payment process in a payment gateway.


Configuration Needed in Settings: 

  • Select "Forward" for "Invoicing Type" under System Settings globally for all clients, or individually in the client’s service details.
  • Enable the suspension feature in System Settings. 
  • Enable service reactivation for clients in System > Settings > Client Zone .
  • The service (termination) “Active to” date must be set in the client’s Service Detail by the administrator or by the client during the self-service reactivation process.

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