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UISP - How to Find Logs, Report Bugs

Readers will learn how to obtain the support files from the UISP application and connected/managed Ubiquiti devices.

  • Applicable to the latest UISP release and firmware versions of the devices listed in the article.
  • More information on the Ubiquiti Network Management System can be found on the UISP website.
  • Make sure to only share the UISP application & device support files with trusted parties such as Ubiquiti employees.

Obtaining the UISP Application Support File

The support info of the UISP application can be obtained through the UISP Web UI:

GUI: Access the UISP Controller Web Portal

1. Navigate to Settings > Maintenance > Support Info to download the support file.

2. Optionally increase the log verbosity and time range and click on the Download Support Info button.

On self-hosted UISP installations, you can also obtain the support information files by accessing the server Command Line Interface (CLI) using SSH. Follow the steps below to obtain the support file using the CLI instead.

CLI: Access the Command Line Interface of the server using SSH.

1. Access the root user shell:

sudo su

2. Navigate to the /home/unms/data/logs/ directory:

cd /home/unms/data/logs/

3. Display and sort the contents of the /home/unms/data/logs/ directory by the newest first.

ls -lt

4. There will be a total of 12 different relevant log files (.log) and log file archives (.log.gz):

5. Create a compressed archive of those files and save it in the /tmp folder.

sudo tar -cvjSf /tmp/uisp-logs.tar.bz2 /home/unms/data/logs

6. Use your favorite SCP client program (for example WinSCP or the macOS/Linux Terminal) to connect to the server and transfer the compressed files above from the /tmp directory to your computer.

Note: There will be multiple copies of the same log file (archive). If you want to make the archive smaller, only include the most recent files.

When UISP is updated to a new version, a specific update log file will also be created/maintained. The contents of this log file are especially useful if the release version update process fails. The update log of the UISP application can be obtained through the UISP Web UI:

GUI: Access the UISP Controller Web Portal.

1. Navigate to the Settings > Maintenance > UISP section to download the update log.

2. If present, click on the Download Update Log button.

On self-hosted UISP installations, follow the steps below to obtain the update log using the CLI instead.

CLI: Access the Command Line Interface of the server using SSH.

1. Access the root user shell:

sudo su

2. Run the command below to display the contents of the log file:

cat /home/unms/data/control/command-update.log

3. Copy the terminal output to a separate text file on your computer or transfer the log file using SCP.

Obtaining the Support File of EdgeMAX and UFiber Devices

The support info of EdgeMAX and UFiber devices can be obtained using the Web UI or Command Line Interface (CLI). Select your product below to view the details:



UFiber OLT


Follow the steps below to obtain the support file from an EdgeRouter device:

GUI: Access the EdgeRouter Web UI

1. Navigate to the System tab in the bottom-left of the Web UI to download the backup configuration archive.

2. Download the backup config file by clicking on the Download Support File button.

System > Download Support File

3. The EdgeRouter will prompt you to save the file on your computer.

Follow the steps below to obtain the support file using the CLI instead.

CLI: Access the Command Line Interface on the EdgeRouter.

Run the command below to display the tech-support output. You can either manually-copy paste the information or enable logging on to your favorite SSH client program.

show tech-support

If you are only interested in the UISP-related logs, then run the commands below instead:

tail -n 60 /var/log/unms.error
tail -n 60 /var/log/unms.log

Follow the steps below to obtain the support file from an EdgeSwitch, EdgeSwitch X (ES-X) or EdgeSwitch XP device:

GUI: Access the EdgeSwitch Web UI.

1. Navigate to the System Settings tab to download the support file. 

2. Download the support file by clicking on the Download Support File button.

3. The EdgeSwitch will prompt you to save the file on your computer.

Follow the steps below to obtain the support file from the EdgeSwitch or EdgeSwitch X (ES-X) using the CLI instead.

CLI: Access the Command Line Interface on the EdgeSwitch or EdgeSwitch X (ES-X).

Run the command below to display the tech-support output. You can either manually-copy paste the information or enable logging on to your favorite SSH client program.

show tech-support

For EdgeSwitch XP (ES-XP) devices, follow the steps below instead:

CLI: Access the Command Line Interface on the EdgeSwitch XP (ES-XP).

Run the command below to generate the support file and store it in the /tmp/ directory.

support /tmp/support /tmp/support.tar.gz

Use your favorite SCP client program (for example WinSCP or the macOS/Linux Terminal) to connect to the EdgeSwitch XP and transfer the file from the /tmp/ directory to your computer.

Follow the steps below to obtain the support file from a UFiber OLT device:

GUI: Access the UF-OLT Web UI.

1. Navigate to the System settings tab.

2. Download the support file by clicking on the Download Support File button.

3. The UFiber OLT will prompt you to save the file on your computer.

Follow the steps below to obtain the support file from the UFiber OLT using the CLI instead.

CLI: Access the Command Line Interface on the UF-OLT.

Run the command below to generate the support file and store it in the /tmp/ directory.

sudo /usr/sbin/ubnt-make-support-file /tmp/support.tar.gz

Use your favorite SCP client program (for example WinSCP or the macOS/Linux Terminal) to connect to the UFiber OLT and transfer the file from the /tmp/ directory to your computer.

Follow the steps below to obtain the support file from an EdgePower device:

GUI: Access the EdgePower Web UI.

1. Navigate to the System tab to download the support file. 

2. Download the support file by clicking on the Download Support Info button.

3. The EdgePower will prompt you to save the file on your computer.

Follow the steps below to obtain the support file from the EdgePower using the CLI instead.

CLI: Access the Command Line Interface on the EdgePower.

Run the command below to generate the support file and store it in the /tmp/ directory.

support /tmp/support /tmp/support.tar.gz

Use your favorite SCP client program (for example WinSCP or the macOS/Linux Terminal) to connect to the EdgePower and transfer the file from the /tmp/ directory to your computer.

Obtaining the Support File of airMAX, airFiber, and Wave Devices

The support info of airMAX devices can be obtained using the Web UI or Command Line Interface (CLI). Support info for airFiber, airCube, and Wave devices are available using the Web UI. Select your product below to view the details:


airMAX M




Follow the steps below to obtain the support file from an airMAX AC device:

GUI: Access the airOS Web UI.

1. Navigate to the System tab to download the support file. 

2. Download the support file by clicking on the Download Support Info button.

3. The airMAX AC device will prompt you to save the file on your computer.

Follow the steps below to obtain the UISP logs using the CLI instead.

CLI: Access the Command Line Interface.

Run the commands below:

cat /var/log/messages
tail -n 60 /var/log/unms.log

Follow the steps below to obtain the support file from an airMAX M device:

GUI: Access the airOS Web UI.

1. Navigate to the System tab to download the support file. 

2. Download the support file by clicking on the Support Info: Download button.

3. The airMAX M device will prompt you to save the file on your computer.

Follow the steps below to obtain the UISP logs using the CLI instead.

CLI: Access the Command Line Interface.

Run the commands below:

cat /var/log/messages
tail -n 60 /var/log/unms.log

Follow the steps below to obtain the support file from an airFiber device:

GUI: Access the airFiber Web UI

1. Navigate to the System tab to download the support file. 

2. Download the support file by clicking on the Download Support Info button.

3. The airFiber device will prompt you to save the file on your computer.

Follow the steps below to obtain the support file from an airCube device:

GUI: Access the airCube Web UI.

1. Navigate to the Dashboard tab.

2. Download the support file by clicking on the Download Support File button in the top-right of the Web UI.

3. The airCube will prompt you to save the file on your computer.

Follow the steps below to obtain the support file from a Wave device:

GUI: Access the Wave Web UI

1. Navigate to the System tab to download the support file. 

2. Download the support file by clicking on the Download Support Info button.

3. The Wave device will prompt you to save the file on your computer.

Obtaining the Support File of UISP Devices

Devices from the UISP platform do not have their own Web interface. For that reason, the support info of those devices can be obtained using the UISP Mobile app, UISP Application (GUI), or Command Line Interface (CLI). Select your product below to view the details:

UISP Console

UISP Router

UISP Switch


Follow the steps below to obtain the support file from a UISP Console device:

Mobile App: Access the device through the UISP Application.

1. Open your UISP Mobile app and look for the device on the Devices section in the Recent tab.

2. Tap on the device and wait for the connection to finish.

3. Tap on the More button (iOS) or the Options icon (Android) and you should see the Download support file option. Please note your UISP Console needs to have FW version 1.15.0-rc.1+.

GUI: Access the device through the UISP Application.

1. Navigate to the Devices view by clicking on the icon at the left-side panel, and locate the device in the list. It is possible to use filters and search options to make the search easier.

2. Click on the device and a right-side panel will open.

3. Click on the Manage tab and expand the download device info category.

4. Click on the Download Device Info link.

CLI: Access the Command Line Interface.

SSH is only available through the LAN port.
1. Log in through the SSH and then run this command:

# ubios-udapi-client get -r /system/support-file   

2. Wait until you see the output 

"file": "/tmp/support-file.2362_180d_141d_29da.tar.gz"

3. Use the scp command to download the file from /tmp folder.

Follow the steps below to obtain the support file from a UISP Router device:

Mobile App: Access the device through the UISP Application.

1. Open your UISP Mobile app and look for the device on the Devices section in the Recent tab.

2. Tap on the device and wait for the connection to finish.

3. Tap on the More button (iOS) or the Options icon (Android) and you should see the Download support file option. Please note your UISP Console needs to have FW version 1.15.0-rc.1+.

GUI: Access the device through the UISP Application.

1. Navigate to the Devices view by clicking on the icon at the left-side panel, and locate the device in the list. It is possible to use filters and search options to make the search easier.

2. Click on the device and a right-side panel will open.

3. Click on the Manage tab and expand the download device info category.

4. Click on the Download Device Info link.

CLI: Access the Command Line Interface.

SSH is only available through the LAN port.
1. Log in through the SSH and then run this command:

# ubios-udapi-client get -r /system/support-file
    "file": "/tmp/support-file.2362_180d_141d_29da.tar.gz"

2. Use the scp command to download the file from /tmp folder.

Follow the steps below to obtain the support file from a UISP Switch device:

Mobile App: Access the device through the UISP Application.

1. Open your UISP Mobile app and look for the device on the Devices section in the Recent tab.

2. Tap on the device and wait for the connection to finish.

3. Tap on the More button (iOS) or the Options icon (Android) and you should see the Download support file option. Please note your UISP Console needs to have FW version 1.15.0-rc.1+.

GUI: Access the device through the UISP Application.

1. Navigate to the Devices view by clicking on the icon at the left-side panel, and locate the device in the list. It is possible to use filters and search options to make the search easier.

2. Click on the device and a right-side panel will open.

3. Click on the Manage tab and expand the download device info category.

4. Click on the Download Device Info link.

CLI: Access the Command Line Interface.

SSH is only available through the LAN port.
1. Log in through the SSH and then run this command:

# ubios-udapi-client get -r /system/support-file
    "file": "/tmp/support-file.2362_180d_141d_29da.tar.gz"

2. Use the scp command to download the file from /tmp folder.

Follow the steps below to obtain the support file from a UISP LTE device:

Mobile App: Access the device through the UISP Application.

1. Open your UISP Mobile app and look for the device on the Devices section in the Recent tab.

2. Tap on the device and wait for the connection to finish.

3. Tap on the More button (iOS) or the Options icon (Android) and you should see the Download support file option. Please note your UISP Console needs to have FW version 1.15.0-rc.1+.

GUI: Access the device through the UISP Application.

1. Navigate to the Devices view by clicking on the icon at the left-side panel, and locate the device in the list. It is possible to use filters and search options to make the search easier.

2. Click on the device and a right-side panel will open.

3. Click on the Manage tab and expand the download device info category.

4. Click on the Download Device Info link.

How to Report Bugs to the UISP Support Team

If you encounter a bug when using the UISP platform, please use the Ubiquiti support request form to let us know.

How to Activate the Device's Verbose Log

In some cases, it will be necessary to have more information than the one provided in a standard device log. To retrieve this information follow these steps:

  1. Disable the UISP connection in the device's UI.
  2. Copy the UISP key.
  3. Connect to the device via SSH.
  4. Run udapi-bridge manually and check its output by typing in this command:
sudo udapi-bridge -v UNMS-KEY
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