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UISP - Imports Feature


The Imports feature is meant for users who would like to add a large amount of data to UISP. There are three distinct import options for Sites, Subscribers, and Devices. Each option requires a single .csv file to be created according to the set of rules described below and then applied to UISP. To access the import feature, please go to Settings -> General -> Data import.

Adding Sites

Here is the basic structure of the .csv file. Examples are provided below.

name Mandatory value. Represents the site's name. Each value has to be unique within the currently imported file(s).
address Postal address of the site.
note Place for a custom note related to the site. Please do not use any special characters here.
contact name Define a contact person for this site and provide their name.
phone Provide a phone number for the site's contact person.
email Provide an email address for the site's contact person.
latitude Mandatory value. The site's GPS coordinate number for latitude.
longitude Mandatory value. The site's GPS coordinate number for longitude. 
elevation Number in meters representing the height of this point above sea level.
height Number in meters representing how high above the ground is the site located. Useful for towers. 
MAC addresses Multi-value field. Individual values need to be separated by a comma ,. If any comma is used the whole string has to be enclosed by quotation marks ". When a device with this MAC address is added to UISP it is automatically assigned for this site.
IP addresses Multi-value field. IP addresses need to be in CIDR format; individual values have to be separated by a comma ,. If any comma is used the whole string has to be enclosed by quotation marks ". When a device with this IP address is added to UISP it is automatically assigned for this site.


Let's start with an easy example. This will add a single site only with mandatory GPS coordination and no further info:


Here is an example of adding a site with a contact person, address, and email:

MoreComplexSite,New York 685 3rd Ave,,John Smith,,,40.75182436774939,-73.973303791091,,,,

Here is a full record with the IP and MAC addresses of devices we want to be assigned to this site.

MostComplexSite,"New York, 685 3rd Ave",some note,John Smith,,,40.75182436774939,-73.973303791091,,,"E2:2B:9F:3B:0D:9F, 36:9F:1C:1D:B5:79",","

Adding Subscribers

Here is the basic structure of the .csv file. Examples are provided below.

firstName Mandatory value. Represents the first name of the subscriber.
lastName Mandatory value. Represents the last name of the subscriber.
clientUcrmId When importing new subscribers, this can be left empty. If importing already existing subscribers, to change their relations, this has to be defined to avoid duplication of records.
servicePlanName Mandatory value. Name of a service plan in the CRM module. BY default there is a service plan named 'default'. 
address Postal address of the subscriber.
note Place for a custom note related to the subscriber. Please do not use any special characters here.
contactPhone Provide a phone number for the subscriber.
contactEmail Provide an email address for the subscriber. 
latitude Mandatory value. The subscriber's GPS coordinate number for latitude.
longitude Mandatory value. The subscriber's GPS coordinate number for longitude. 
MAC addresses Multi-value field. Individual values need to be separated by a comma ,. If any comma is used the whole string has to be enclosed by quotation marks ". When a device with this MAC address is added to UISP it is automatically assigned for this subscriber.
IP addresses Multi-value field. IP addresses need to be in CIDR format; individual values have to be separated by a comma ,. If any comma is used the whole string has to be enclosed by quotation marks ". When a device with this IP address is added to UISP it is automatically assigned for this subscriber.


Let's start with an easy example. This will add a single subscriber with just the mandatory fields:


Here is an example of adding a subscriber with some personal data:

John,Smith,,Default,"New York, 685 3rd Ave",here is a note,,,40.75182436774939,-73.973303791091,,

Here is a full record with Ip and MAC addresses of devices we want to be assigned to this subscriber:

John,Smith,16,Default,"New York, 685 3rd Ave",here is a complex note,,,40.75182436774939,-73.973303791091,"E2:2B:9F:3B:0D:9F, 36:9F:1C:1D:B5:79",","

Adding Devices

Here is the basic structure of the .csv file. Examples are provided below.

ip Mandatory value. Represents the IP address of the device.
username Mandatory value for UISP devices. Can be empty for third-party device records.
password Mandatory value for UISP devices. Can be empty for third-party device records.
httpsPort The HTTPS port of the device can be defined here.
sshPort The SSH port of the device can be defined here.
hostname Alternative name for the device in UISP. 
deviceRole This is only valid for third party device records. Possible values are:
'ap', 'gateway', 'gpon', 'convertor', 'other', 'ptp', 'router', 'server', 'station', 'switch', 'ups', 'wireless', 'homeWiFi', 'wirelessDevice'.
model The model name of the device.
snmpCommunity Name of the SNMP community for third party device records. 


Let's start with an easy example. This will add a record for a single UISP device with only mandatory values:,ubnt,ubntubnt,,,,,,

Here is an example of adding a third party device record:,,,,,my blackbox device,switch,,public

User Tip: If there are several sites with the same IP or MAC address imported this way, devices will be attached to the first matching site they happen to find.
ATTENTION: If there is already a site/subscriber with the same name in the system, then it will be ignored from the import. The import tool cannot edit already existing records.

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