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ISP Wireless - Easy Device Setup via UISP Mobile App

This article discusses methods to connect to Ubiquiti ISP wireless devices to begin setup and configuration:

  1. The first/preferred method, is via Bluetooth management radio using the UISP Mobile App, and is supported on most newer products.
  2. The second & third methods described in this article require that you set up the device via Ethernet connection.

Note: Find more specific, initial setup information in your device's Quick Start Guide, downloadable in the Ubiquiti Downloads section. It is also highly recommended to read the airOS User Guide to get the best tips and learn about airMAX's features and how to best use your device.


Most newer Ubiquiti ISP wireless devices feature a built-in Bluetooth management radio for easy, no-cables setup. Notable exceptions to this include:

  • airMAX AC Gen1 devices
  • airMAX M series
  • Legacy 802.11 devices

The following instructions assume that the radio is set to factory default settings. This is critical, especially if you are troubleshooting a problem.

Steps: Easy Setup via UISP Mobile App

The following instructions assume that you already have a UISP server online/active, to which your device will adopt to become centrally-managed. To quickly set up a free UISP instance, start here.  Once your UISP server is running, proceed with the following steps:

  1. Connect Ethernet cables to the respective POE port of your ISP wireless device for power. After ~60 seconds, your ISP wireless device will begin broadcasting a local network, to which you'll connect using the UISP Mobile App.
  2. Download the UISP Mobile App to your mobile device. UISP Mobile app is available for both Android (Google Play) & iOS (App Store) devices.
  3. Enable the Bluetooth radio for your mobile device.
  4. Open the UISP Mobile App, and follow the UISP Mobile App's setup wizard.

Steps: Connect to Device Directly (via PoE Injector)

  1. Set your computer to the subnet (subnet mask The exact method on how to set a static IP will vary depending on your operating system and version. You can find the exact method for yours online.
  2. Connect the ISP wireless device to the port labeled PoE on the power injector. The Ethernet port is auto-sensing. You are not required to use a crossover cable.
  3. Connect your computer's Ethernet port to the LAN port of the same power injector.


  4. Once connected, launch your web browser and enter as the "URL" to gain access to the radio's management console.
  5. Enter ubnt / ubnt for the username / password.
  6. Now you can begin configuring the radio via the web UI, airOS.

Steps: Connect to Device Directly (via LAN)

Note: As of airOS M v6.3.2, airMAX M radios when reset to factory default will first try to obtain an IP address via DHCP.  If an IP address isn't obtained via DHCP, the radio will fallback to

  1. Connect the airMAX radio to the port labeled PoE on the power injector.  The Ethernet port is auto-sensing. You are not required to use a crossover cable.
  2. Connect the airMAX radio to your network (as layer 2 network as your computer) 
  3. Install WiFiman or check your DHCP servers lease table to find the radio MAC address and IP address assigned.
  4. Launch your web browser and enter the IP address obtained from Step 3 as the URL to gain access to the radio's management console.
  5. Enter ubnt / ubnt for the username / password.
  6. Now you can begin configuring the radio via the web UI, airOS.
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